The Problem with Ghost Hunting TV Shows


Most of us have seen them, most of us have changed channels when they come on.

Even though I’m really into the paranormal and unexplained, I consider myself a “skeptical believer”. I’ve never seen a ghost, or strange lights in the sky even. I love listening to first-hand accounts of ghostly encounters because it really evokes questions and curiosity in me.

Just the other day, I saw that a ghost-hunting show was on TV and occasionally I watch them just to see if anything happens that doesn’t seem completely dramatised. Of course this didn’t happen and I wasn’t surprised.

The main thing that flares my skepticism is that these paranormal investigators visit different haunted locations frequently, and it seems like at every venue something “strange” happens. Someone gets flicked in the ear, the EVP receiver picks up a faint rumbling that the show hosts determine to be a disembodied voice saying “get out”, the room goes cold, etc.

I have spoken to people that have been on ghost hunts and most of the time they never experience anything strange, and this is the reality. The times that they do experience unexplainable noises, feelings or visual phenomena are in the minority.

I am completely aware that the purpose of a TV show is to entertain, however to me it feels like these ghost hunting shows are counter-productive to the goal that metaphysical researchers are aiming for – to be taken seriously and treat unexplained phenomena as untapped elements of the universe. To me, it seems that a big reason people are scoffed at for saying that they believe in ghosts is because of these shows and how they present the exploration of the paranormal.

These are just my thoughts on the subject of ghost hunting TV shows. I enjoy discussions so please feel free to leave a comment letting me know what you think. Stay spooky!

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